Saturday 8 January 2011

Development of creative thought and structure (Week 8)

Developing ideation fluency
There are many different ways in which to express your ideas. These being brainstorms, mind maps, classification, tables, through images or just though words. The way you do it, depends on the type of person you are and how you like to work. If your a more theoretical person then maybe you like to use tables and words, but if you are a visual person then you may use brainstorms or mind maps where you have to physically draw something. The ideas you put down are for your designs and can tell a story. The more ideas you have the bigger the mind map etc will be. The idea of brain storms and mind maps is to see how far your ideas can go by thinking about associations, these would be to do with the specific topic.
Mind maps help an practitioner or anyone to write down there ideas visually so there brain will physically remember whats been written. They help to break down ideas into smaller parts. My thoughts on mind maps are that they are very helpful. I always use these when i am writing down my ideas because i feel its better than writing text in a paragraph. They give me the ability to sketch images around the map too.
A practitioner that is also fond of using brain storms to put down his ideas is Rob Ryan. He creates all of his images through the use of brain storms. I feel that most of his images anyway do look like brain storms themselves. So i think that the idea of brainstorms does inspire him too.


Managing a creative environment
Every practitioner has there own working space or studio. They make it their own by putting up their work on the walls around, filling their desk with there art supplies and generally knowing where everything is, makes them feel comfortable.

This is a Disney practitioners workspace. This image shows how they have put up their own work on the walls. I feel that this is stimulating as it would make them proud to see how far they have gone and how much they have improved. You cannot really see how things are arranged on their desk but i can see that it is very full. I would have to store away items to give me a big clear space on my desk to work on.

This image shows the arrangement of art supplies that a practitioner has on their desk. I feel that this is a very good way to sort things because you can see clearly where everything is.

I don't really have anything that i collect, but i do have many books which show artists work and advertisement work. I feel these are important because they help me improve my ideas as i can see whats existent already.

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