Tuesday 9 November 2010

Development of ideas and structure in moving image (Week 6)

1) 3 act structure
Every film begins as a story board and has to be planned first. If a film didn't have a 3 act structure, this being a beginning, a middle and and end, i don't think it would make sense. The beginning would set the scene, the middle would hold the bulkiness of the ideas and the main events and then the end would bring the whole film together (conclude it).

A recent film in which i will focus on that uses this 3 act structure is 'The life and death of Charlie St Cloud'. I feel that this movie clearly shows this specific structure. The way its made up is;
beginning: middle: end, but the events that set the whole scene of the film is at the very beginning. Basically in this film, Charlie who is the main character has a little brother and he dies in a car crash, this happens at the beginning. In the middle Charlie visits the same place everyday at noon to play catch with his brother (he imagines him) but then he meets a girl who is in a boat accident, so he travels out to sea to save her and forgets to go visit his brother. This leads you to the end where Charlie saves the girl which becomes his girlfriend and he finally lets his brother go.
Act 1: Act 2: Act 3
Beginning: Middle :End
Death: Dreams: Reality

2) Character design
The character i am going to focus on and create a guide about is Edward Cullen in the Twilight series that's played by Robert Pattinson.

In the films and the books i feel that Edward's character is the protagonist. This makes him the main character that experiences the conflict that arises. There is other characters in Twilight which i feel experiences conflict too but i feel that Edward is the main one. In this story Edward is an example of a good protagonist as all he tries to do is help Bella and reduce the conflict.
The 3 key areas of this protagonist character which i will focus on are; appearance, action and interaction. These will tell me what the character looks like, what he does and how he relates to others and the events in the story.
Guide to character Edward Cullen in Twilight
- Appearance- in this film Edward is a vampire so he has white skin, bright red eyes and appears to look ill all the time. This helps show what his character is all about and which side he is on in this film, as there is two sides, vampires and werewolf's. His identity has to stay a secret though.
- Action- This character looks after his girlfriend Bella, attends a high school and has to fight werewolves, as in this story they different groups don't get on.
- Interaction- The relationship Edward has with Bella is that they are a couple, so their interaction with each other is very close. He also interacts well with his family who are also vampires this is because he has to fight with them and help them out. The only character which Edward doesn't interact well with

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