Saturday 8 January 2011

Text can change an image week 9

Practitioners work in different ways but you always find that the use of words can change the meaning on an image or how people see it. Adding words can also influence or change our emotions/ thoughts about something.
For example,
1) A practitioner that adds words to change the image is Stefan Sagmeister.

Without the text this image would just be a fence with no story behind it, and it would just look like a piece of photography. So to make people understand the meaning of this image and what he was thinking when taking this, he has added a word in front. The word 'trying' says to me that  the fence could be surrounding a prison and its showing that the people inside are 'trying' their best to get out. OR that people are trying to get to the other side as it made be freedom. Without the text you cant actually tell what the image is as your mind doesn't think things through as much.

2) An example of text being used to influence or change emotions;
When you first look at this image you may not understand what its for (without the text), and you dont really feel an emotion for the teenager as it doesn't look like anything is happening to her, but then when the text to the tape and around the image is added your emotion starts to change and you look at the image again and feel sorry for her wanting to help. This proves my theory that text changes emotions because without the text you wouldn't realise that help was needed.

image from

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