Wednesday 27 October 2010

ITAP Lecture work week 5

1) Drawing

Drawing by hand is done by every designer to create ideas, they need to do it. It enables them to create a connection between their hand, eyes and brain. Drawings don't have to be perfect and in detail, they can be little sketched that still give the same ideas. Drawings help designers develop and get better at what they do, because they would draw for ideas not for the art, thats why it doesn't have to be perfect or neat. Leanardo is a designer which creates and puts his thinking on a page through drawing. The drawing doesn't have to be done in pencil either. Designers use different media depending on the mood or the ideas, for example if the ideas had a scary theme a designer may create sketches with black thick lines to get the theme across in those sketches. An example of functional drawings which i will focus on are by Leanardo.

These images show Leonardos work and how he uses sketches to demonstrate ideas.


When designing or sketching the designers brain will split into two ways but it will not be obvious, it just happens and it cant be stopped. it has been said that the right side of your brain when designing acts or thinks like a child. For example it's more spontaneous, curious, easily frightened but likes adventure. This is also the side which makes you take criticism to heart.

The other side is your left and this is very different. this brain is more like an accountant, it's organised, it likes to clarify and quantify and also ask what's useful. your brain changes modes consciously depending on what you are doing. with this the only thing a designer has to be careful with is keeping a fine balance between experimenting and having a direction.

This image to the right shows how the two sides of the brain work together. The right side acting like the child creates an image randomly using media and then the left side asks the questions like what is it, what can it represent etc.

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